27th Crime Commission, May 14 – 18 2018

Mar 12, 2018

See you in Vienna

14  – 18 May 2018.


UNODC Documentation

The UNODC documentation is now available here: http://bit.ly/2p4dDle

NGO Meetings & Briefings

Meetings and briefings will be held in the course of the CCPCJ. There will be a room assigned as an NGO Lounge in the Main Conference Center Building (M) for the duration of the Commission.

Throughout the week there will be briefings and meetings held for NGOs: Check here for meetings and times


Timeline & Information about for CCPCJ Side Events

  • Side Event submissions must be made by March 23rd.
  • Co-sponsors submissions must be made to the sgb(@)unodc.org by April 18th. Co-sponsor Form Download
  • Nameplates
    Kindly print your nameplates and bring them to the event. Using the attached form will help get the right format/size. Conference management will provide appropriate holders.
  • Presentations
    Please bring your presentations to the venue 15 minutes before the start of the event. Conference management will be in the room to help you get started with the technical equipment. All rooms have computers and projectors.
  • Flyers – 8 May for clearance
    Please send your flyers to sgb(@)unodc.org by 8 May for clearance. There will be a table in front of the documentation counter for the side events flyers. The pigeon holes themselves are not available for promotional material. Please do not use the CCPCJ banner/logo.
  • Publications – 8 May for clearance
    Please send the publications you want to distribute to sgb(@)unodc.org by 8 May for clearance. You can place your publications in the room of your side event or on a table dedicated to publications, which will be located opposite the pigeon holes. The official meetings rooms are not available for publication/flyer display. Kindly limit the display to those designated areas, buildings management will remove any material elsewhere.
  • Interpretation
    The following rooms have interpretation booths: MBR-A, M2, M3, M6, M7. You need to bring your own interpreters (please remember to register them as external participants). If you have informed us that you will bring interpreters, conference management will be there some minutes before the event to help interpreters set up.
  • External participants – 8 May
    You can register up to 5 external participants for your event (people who are not registered with any official delegation, for example speakers).  Please send a list, including names and email addresses, to sgb(@)unodc.org by 8 May. The external participants will receive an email to upload their photo. The registration is as public for the day of the event only (access to side events, but not official meeting rooms).
  • Registered participants can pick up their badges in person as follows:
    Friday, 11 May, at Gate 1 (dedicated desk), 8am-4pm;
    Sunday, 13 May, at Gate 1 (dedicated desk), 3-6pm;
    14-18 May, at Gate 1 (Pass Office), 8am-4pm.
  • Catering services
    Catering services must be arranged directly with the VIC catering service office at (+43 1 26060 4875)/ CateringVIC(@)eurest.at. For security reasons, only the existing coffee areas may be used for catering. Food and beverages are not allowed in the conference rooms.
About the ALLIANCE

The Alliance is a transnational non-governmental platform for engaging relevant stakeholders on issues of crime prevention and criminal justice to advance human rights, peace and security through the rule of law and a culture of lawfulness.
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